Jelly Clarkson What Is So Funny About Failure

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What is so funny about failure?

"Go ! Bwaaah !" is a short 3 second video of a little girl that tries to walk a dog that is simply large for her and only ends up falling on her face. Strangely, I would see videos of people injuring themselves get thousands and even millions of views. Now after, taking closer look at humor and it’s relation to audience this semester, I’ve finally realized why. According to Robert Provine when people laugh at you they are trying to persuade adjustment or show rejection. In addition thanks to Provine I now know that laugher is a social experience because laughing to ourselves is even rarer than talking by ourselves. Therefore, popularity in watching others in pain lies amongst younger people, as I have never …show more content…

Getting hurt is rare, so when I do get hurt it catches me off guard; the surprise is the key to laughter in failure. Accidents happen in only seconds and the more risks we take the more like we are to run into them. As Kelly Clarkson said in her song “what doesn’t kill you stronger” growing pains have helped me evolve as a person because how boring would I be if I never got hurt? My young stupid self has given me stories to tell to the people in my life. Thrill seekers like me do potentially dangerous stunts to either appear really cool or entertain other people around my age or younger with a good laugh. When I do stupid stunt I do not thing about the negatives I only seek approval from others that behave in similar …show more content…

Apparently, there was a guard dog that would roam the area named El Kaliman, but since I was only in Mexico for summer vacation I did not know that dog very well and neither did he. Everyone else that was with me already knew exactly what the guard dog’ behavior was like though risk evading them was already second nature to them. Since my cousins and friends were raise in a ranch, all of them were all fairly athletic and they knew that in the past when they were chase by the 200 Pound plus dog they could easily outrun it. I was 12 years old at the time making me the eldest player in that game of hide and seek and I was also the fattest because I was a city boy. In short I had two things going against me, my weight and lack of experience. When going to touch base on the other side of a narrow bridge everyone made to the bridge except for me so the guard dog still had enough footing to give me a great big bite on the side of my chest next to my nipple. Right after I got bit I was laughed at and teased by saying that the dog wanted milk because everyone was able to get out of harm’s way but

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