Jazz Age Research Paper

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Cardel Blalock 5/4/17 English The Jazz Age: What is the Jazz Age ?The Jazz Age was a period in the 1920s , ending with the Great Depression in which jazz music and dance styles became popular in the United States. Despite of social and economic upheaval , the 1900s prospered as a whole. Society was experiencing a total new way of life , characterized by new technology that enabled Americans to relax and enjoy what life had offered to them . During the 1920s , America had felt weary and optimistic after the previous events from World War I but after new advances …show more content…

Access to electricity gave Americans power to run labor-saving devices like refrigerators , washing machines ,radios ,phonographs , electric razor and iron and vacuum cleaners .These list of inventions helped shaped America in the 1920s . The first lightweight electric iron was invented by Earl Richardson . Richardson was an American businessman at the Ontario (California) Power Company .In 1905 the iron with a hot point became the first commercially successful electric laundry iron and was formally named the Hotpoint iron in 1907 . His design made the iron with more heat in the point . He had called his new company Hotpoint which he founded in 1911. The Thor washing machine was produced by Hurley Electric Laundry Equipment Company. It was the first electric washing machine sold in the United States . Alva J. Fisher was the Hurley engineer designer for the project . The Thor washing machine exploded mass marketed through America . Sales was reaching 913,000 units in 1928. Music introduced Americans to large-scale radio …show more content…

Later years ,he was a grammy favorite , and won a grammy for original best Jazz composition in 1986 , because he was to classic . The album was called In the Beginning , God . Duke continued to perform until he was overcome by illness with lung cancer in 1974 . Bessie Smith sang of unfilled love , poverty and oppression in songs like “Nobody Knows You When You Are Down and Out” . She worked with legendary trumpet artist Louis Armstrong to perform amazing tunes like “Cold In Blue Hands and “I Ain’t Nobody Gonna Play Second Fiddle”. She became the highest paid black entertainer in the world . While music was affecting the United States , new ideas with urban culture was helped glorified youth , and freedom for women . Different idea about marriage began to change . It was total more focus on love,romance and friendship . No longer was an economic partnership arranged with families . People were choosing between whether to marry or not marry at all and pursue a career. Women began to defined themselves as Flappers . Wearing bobbed hair ,looser clothing , red lipstick , dancing , smoking and drinking . They were a generation of young western women ,

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