It Is Wrong To Have Children Essay

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In my opinion, I believe it is wrong to have children if you do not know whether they want to be born or not. This is because it violates the concept of freedom, consent and morality. Julio Cabrera, a philosopher, has stated that giving birth is a violation of autonomy. Autonomy refers to our ability to make our own decisions and choose a path for ourselves. This is because the child was not asked whether or not they wish to be brought into this world. As giving birth is now a violation of consent, it can then be compared to sexual assault. Both are a matter of consent. Rape is a heavy offense that is illegal as it is an act that forcefully violates the body of a person. Therefore, if consent is important in this case, forcefully bringing a child to life is also …show more content…

It is undeniable that being pregnant and being a mother are both enlightening experiences that will help you grow as a person. However, it is not compulsory for women to take this risk. I believe that being pregnant and becoming a mother do not automatically mean you are given a fresh pair of eyes to view the world. It is merely an experience that will provide you with a pair of binoculars to see more of what the world can offer. This situation can be compared to the case of losing your virginity. Losing your virginity does not make you more mature and sophisticated as a person. It simply means you can now tick "losing your virginity" off your life to-do list. It is not necessary to experience motherhood in order to complete womanhood. Not experiencing motherhood does not mean you are lesser as a woman. With reference to Cabrera, giving birth was illustrated as an act of manipulation. To elaborate, when a human is born, they are exposed to situations and environment that are harmful and treacherous. It was described by Cabrera himself that humans are thrusted into a one-way

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