Is Technology Ruining Our Lives?

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Is technology ruining people's lives? Are phones way too overused? What needs to be done to control this? People all around the world are becoming very reliant on cellphones, mainly teeenagers. Technology is always growing and everyone thinks they need what's new and improved. Cell phone usage is becoming an addiction for some people. Can people go five minutes without having their eyes stuck to a screen? No one can have a real conversation like before, everything is said through screens. No teenager wants to go sit down for lunch and talk about things. Teens are so reliant on cell phones to the point where social media is more important than school. Grades are becoming bad, school no longer means anything to anyone. All that seems to matter to kids is who is going to text them, if they get notifications on instagram, twitter, or facebook. …show more content…

When walking through halls at school everyone is always having their phones glued to their hands, constantly being bumped into because no one is paying attention. Sitting in a classroom watching all the kids that are so reliant on their phones, once it goes off they have to check it right away, does not matter if the teacher is talking or another student. People worry too much about what goes on in the world around them and social media to realize technology is ruining lives. It starts as young as eight to ten years old when technology starts impacting lives. When younger kids are looking up to teenagers they think it is normal to always have a cell phone and be constantly checking

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