Is Macbeth A Hero Or A Villain Analysis

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Macbeth In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is seen as brave, heroic and a victim too, but when the three witches tell him that he will be crowned king of Scotland, he gets more and more evil and twisted by letting the power he has go to his head. He is more of a villain than he is a victim. Macbeth is a villain in the play because he is a murderer, liar and he is insane. Macbeth is a villain because he is a murderer. People who think he is a victim think that because they say Macbeth was threatened and intimidated by his wife, but it was his choice what to do. He knew what was wrong and what was right but he continued on to be evil. When the three witches tell him he will be king, he gets ecstatic. Since the king is impressed by his acts of bravery, he makes Macbeth “Thane …show more content…

He tells lie after lie and keeps making them bigger. Him and Lady Macbeth are planning to kill the king. “When we have marked with blood, those sleepy two of his own chamber and used their very dagger” (324). They are going to lie about who killed the king by framing the guards that stand outside his room protecting him. They are going to spill blood on them and then the daggers that they used to kill the king, they will plant on the guards. When the king is announced dead, Macbeth and his wife both act sad and shocked like everyone else. After Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost at the banquet, he starts acting weird. Lady Macbeth says to everyone not to worry that it is just a sickness he has had since birth. “You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting, with most admired disorder” (351). Lady Macbeth is annoyed at her husband because he could have revealed what they had done to the king, so she had to also lie. Everyone had to leave because Lady Macbeth made them to cover Macbeth’s lie. When Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost, it reminds him of the crime he committed and what he made two other people

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