Is Jay Gatsby Morally Wrong

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Is Jay Gatsby an admirable romantic dreamer or a Loathsome morally corrupt avoidable figure? This question of Jay Gatsby is a point of arguable controversy as this story is told from the biased eyes of Nick Carraway we the readers must trust Nick’s judgement and interpretations and thus come to our own opinion of Gatsby. T.E. Lawrence once said “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” Gatsby was perhaps a romantic dreamer of the day and coveted the idea of his perfect fantasy with Daisy. This is a rare and admirable mindset in the decade that was probably the end of true romantic values and that is why people did not understand why if he had all the money, wealth, and luxury he had, that he would try so hard for one woman. The sad thing is most men in even today's time …show more content…

After the party that Daisy attended Nick told him he can not repeat the past to which Gatsby informed him “Can’t repeat the past? Why of course you can! I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before, she’ll see” (111 Fitzgerald). It can be seen from this quote two things, one that Gatsby perhaps was raised with better romantic values and in these times he is seen by most as naive as those values he has have long since passed with the coming of the industrial world and two he is now shown to desire and covet the feeling and memories of Daisy perhaps more than Daisy herself. There are people who experience events everyday and do not think hard on the moment at hand but later on in time, they could come to a desire to relive that memory again exactly how it was. Most people know that a memory can never be relived exactly the same but that is exactly what Gatsby is attempting to

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