Is Holden Caulfield Relevant Today

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J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is the cliche favorite books among English teachers. Some people may feel that Holden Caulfield was just an average, moody teenager. However, the many different things that he went through made him the person he was. The themes, characters and the feelings in The Catcher in the Rye give many people are relevant to today’s society. Holden could be considered to be phony, just like he calls everyone else. He is very depressed and can be seen throughout the novel. Holden’s views on growing up can be parallel to many others just like him. Holden calls everyone phonies, he believes no one really says what they want to say. He can be believed that he is a phony himself. He is always holding in what he wants to say. …show more content…

He is constantly talking about how lonesome or depressing something is. He has had depression for a while because of his brother’s death; he punched through the windows in his garage. Even to this day he feels depressed in some of the happiest things. “New York’s terrible when somebody laughs on the street very late at night. You can hear it for miles. It makes you feel so lonesome and depressed.” (Salinger 91) Just the sound of someone’s laughter was making Holden feel miserable. When someone is happy and it makes him feel somber, that is a sign of depression. Holden is always wanting to say a goodbye, it makes him feel less depressed. “What I was really hanging around for, I was trying to feel some kind of good-by. I mean I’ve left schools and places I didn’t even know I was leaving them. I hate that. I don’t care if it’s a sad good-by or a bad good-by, but when I leave a place I like to know I’m leaving it. If you don’t, you feel even worse.” (Salinger 6-7) He always needs to say goodbye to a place whether he like that place or not. It makes him feel that there is something to say goodbye to. He is worried that everything will be different if he ever comes

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