Is Hamlet As A Revenge Tragedy?

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In this essay I will be writing about whether Hamlet is a revenge tragedy or not, I will have an introduction which will introduce the meaning of a revenge tragedy, then I will have a main body of text in which I will explain why Hamlet is a true revenge tragedy and finally I will have a conclusion.
“What is a revenge tragedy?” Well a revenge tragedy is when a character takes vengeance for a murdered victim, the character is usually a family member of the avenged victim. A Revenge tragedy conventionally results in the death of both the murderer and avenger. This type of play was very popular during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras. In order for a tragedy to be labelled as a revenge tragedy it needs to have certain components and characters
In Spanish Tragedy, a straightforward obligation of revenge, is for Prince Hamlet, both factually and morally equivocal. In revenge tragedies normally a ghost or a different character reveals who the murderer is, and asking the protagonist to seek revenge, an appearance from a ghost is essential in a revenge tragedy.
Is Hamlet a true revenge tragedy? What does this question mean? It means does Hamlet have all the components and elements for a revenge tragedy, then to answer this question yes hamlet is a true revenge tragedy, even though of the way the play is set up it may not be viewed as a typical revenge tragedy because of the fact that hamlet procrastinates throughout the whole play and doesn’t whole heartedly prove that he is ready to take out the act of revenge on his uncle Claudius and avenge his murdered father. “It is interesting that Hamlet is a
If Hamlet had not completed the revenge then it wouldn’t be viewed as a revenge tragedy because he has not done it but because he has carried out the revenge it is viewed as a revenge

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