Is Euthanasia Justified?

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The world is full of people, some of which are suffering every day from pain. Even with the advancements that have been made with medicine, it’s not enough to cure many diseases or to heal a person’s pain. Euthanasia is commonly referred to as a “mercy killing”. It is the intentional act of putting a person to death quietly and painlessly who has an incurable or painful disease, it is intended to be an act of mercy. According to (ANA, 2013), Euthanasia is the act of putting to death someone suffering from a painful and prolonged illness or injury.
Euthanasia is a very controversial topic that raises many moral dilemmas. Is it right to end the life of a terminally ill person, even if the person is suffering and in severe pain? Is euthanasia ever justifiable? Is there any difference between just letting a …show more content…

The person may ask for help with dying, start refusing medical treatment, and they may start refusing to eat. Non-voluntary euthanasia is when a person is unable to make a decision and another person has to make the decision on their behalf. This may occur because the person is in a coma, too young, or senile. Involuntary euthanasia occurs when a person does not want to die but is killed anyways. This form of euthanasia is not acceptable, and it is typically associated with murder, depending on the situation.
Each form of euthanasia also has a set of arguments that accompany them. Some of the common pro euthanasia arguments are the right choice. The patient should be able to be given the option to make the decision to die and to do with dignity. The quality of life argument is another. This is when only the patient knows what it is like to have persistent unstoppable suffering, and pain. Even with pain relievers it is not enough. With the pro arguments comes the cons. The most common cons are guilty, slippery slope to murder, competence, and what the doctor’s role is in all of

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