Investigate how PH Affects the Ability of Raw Meat to Absorb Water

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Investigate how PH Affects the Ability of Raw Meat to Absorb Water

I am planning an experiment to investigate how PH affects the ability of raw meat to absorb water.

· Independent Variable

The independent variable for this experiment is the PH of the solution the steak is marinated in. I will achieve a range of different PH values by using buffers set at PH 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. I predict that there will be an optimum PH where the steak will absorb the most water.

The amount of water absorbed by the raw meat will increase as you increase the PH up to the optimum and then decrease the PH as the PH increases past the optimum.

· Dependent Variable

The dependent variable for this experiment is the amount of water absorbed by the diced steak by process of osmosis. I will record this by recording the mass before and the mass after marination. From these results I can calculate the percentage change in mass so that I can compare the different results with each other. I will calculate the percentage change by :

Change x 100


· Controlled Variables

The main control variables for this experiment are :

Each of the 5 buffer solutions should have the same volume of 50ml and the same concentration. If one beaker had more than another then there would be more solution to act on the meat therefore tenderising it more. This could alter the end percentage change in mass.

The mass of the diced steak before marination needs to be controlled.
A larger mass could potentially absorb a...

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