Interpersonal Conflict in Film

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Interpersonal Conflict in Film The Interpersonal conflict in this film is the same as in most of our daily lifestyles as humans. There are many times in life when things that people say are taken out of context and or control and you wish that you could play it off as if it was never even said. There were so many instances of conflict in this film that I couldn’t only choose from just one. After watching this great and funny film, I learned that I need to be careful of what is said. Also how it is said to avoid escalating any incident you may have in an active relationship with a loved one or even just a good friend. When handling an interpersonal conflict in any stage of a relationship, handle yourself in the same way that you want to be treated. At the beginning of the relationship make sure you ask lots of questions, but make sure that they are the correct questions to ask and keep family questions to a minimal until later on in the relationship. Not one single relationship is perfect but with the correct interpretation of romance all conflicts can be handled accordingly. The first incident in the movie “Hitch” that I noticed of interpersonal conflict was that I observed the lady finding out that the guy she is dating is known as the relationship expert “Hitch”. Even though the question of what he did for a living was never brought up (to my knowledge), if the right questions had been asked and answered this information would have come up in conversation. If trust and accurate information had been relayed to the parties involved, this incident could have been avoided. Then she brought this information up during the conflict to let him know she knows what his real job was. Another incident that caught my attention but ... ... middle of paper ... end up happening in a relationship but was unable to use this same advice and apply it to his own relationship. There are lots of things in this moment that could have been done way differently, but in the heat of the moment people tend to say whatever comes up and expressing them with words out of their mouths especially if they are hurtful words. After things cool off you want to retract what has been said and it’s then already too late. When handling interpersonal conflict in any stage of a relationship, be respectful and handle yourself in the way you want to be treated. References Mordaunt, W., Tadross, M. (Executive Producers), & Tennant, A. (Director). (2005) Hitch [Film]. Los Angeles: Sony Pictures Sole, K. (2011). Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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