International Students Essay

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Being an international student is exciting. It offers a lot of exposure and scope for improvement. Canada has a lot of institutions that accept foreign students, but before that, the practical difficulties an international student might face in the country should be noted. 1. Issues faced by students: Issues arise when the expectation does not meet the reality, or due to misinformation. The various issues an average student might be classified as follows. 1.1. Economic (Financial) issues: The first issue an international student faces in Canada is the fees. Fees structures vary for domestic and international students. As Denise Hansen says in her essay ‘Life of International Students in Canada is Eye Opening’, "The average tuition and ancillary …show more content…

The international students are expected to pay the full tuition fee, whereas the domestic students are eligible for heavy government subsidies and that is one of the reasons why there is a huge difference between the fee amounts. Many students take up part time jobs to make ends meet, but it is imperative to note that job opportunities are very limited and even those jobs that are available do not give a substantial income. Therefore, they must rely on their own money and be prepared for the expenses. In addition to spending more on the actual education and university fees, the international students also have to spend on boarding and food. Finding a place to stay that is conveniently near to the university and other places of interaction, is affordable, accepts immigrants, and suits the basic requirements - is hard, sometimes impossible. A compromise on at least one criterion of the above is required to sustain in the new country. 1.2. Social …show more content…

While most try to be helpful, by speaking slowly and guiding using written notes, directions, instructions and invitations, it still requires a lot of effort on the international student 's part to understand the numerous accents. Abundance of slangs is another huge issue. A lot of slang terms, most specific to a region or time period are difficult to follow if one is not aware of the local culture, specialities and quirks. Even if a student settles in Canada for years, most of the local slang will still go over their head. Students must focus on learning the most common ones and learn to differentiate between friendly sarcasm and intended offense, of which there is expected to be very

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