Informative Speech On 9/11

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On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists. The terrorists had control of four planes with plans to crash into four different buildings. One of the planes flew into one of the skyscrapers at the World Trade Center in New York City, and soon after another plane flew into the other skyscraper. Another plane flew into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, destroying a part of the building. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, because passengers had heard of the other attacks and took action by fighting the terrorists and keeping them from reaching their destination. All the planes were full of passengers and the buildings they hit were also full of people. Many American people died on 9/11, that is why it is such a major event in American history, we need to honor those that died because of the attacks and those that died attempting to rescue those that were injured. Q: Where were you? A: He was 45 years old on September 11, 2001, with two kids and a wife. He was at his office and was getting ready to leave when his friend, who was doing some work for him, called and said, “some crazy guy just flew a plane into a building in New York.” Because he didn’t have a TV at his office he went home, turned on the TV, and watched the second plane hit. While watching it the reporters and everyone were …show more content…

He really put out a lot of emotion in his answers, and just kept repeating how it was “so unbelievable” and how “this can’t happen in the United States.” I already knew a lot on the subject of 9/11, so it was really neat to hear someone I knews perspective on the whole tragic event. What really stuck out to me is when he started talking about how everyone on the news was so frantic and they didn’t know anything. Although he did not lose anyone close he felt the pain, as well as everyone in the United States did that

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