Informative Speech Controversy

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When informing someone about a topic it’s critically important to establish credibility throughout your speech. Good informative speeches contain several different scholarly source citations throughout the speech. To show that the information you present is accurate these sources should be up-to-date, reliable, unbiased, and directly related to the topic of choice. Even if you plan to give a speech about an activity you have done all of your life, you will still need to seek out additional sources for your speech. Doing this will show that it’s not just coming from the information you’ve learned and been experiences with, but also from other professionals studying that topic as well. In many cases, the audience has no prior knowledge of the speaker, so they make …show more content…

This makes me feel as though their information isn’t credible, and that it’s just free-formed thought. Like stated before, the lack of cited scholarly information will fail to make people believe your information. Another presentation in which I feel lack credibility are speeches that are cited using non-credible sources. Citing things like Wikipedia or a lot of “.com’s” leave space for biased opinions and theories. On the other hand, when you use credible sources they’re free from personal, biased opinion and use facts that are tested and backed up. Speeches sound non-credible when the person presented is clearly uneducated about it, like a fisherman giving a speech about brain surgery. Having been educated in the area in which you’re presenting about shows that you are informed on a more personal level. Many times I have also watches speeches that will state bold facts without giving explanations of backing it up. When speakers don’t back up their facts with any following information, it may lead to the assumption that it is not credible as

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