Bullying: A Universal Torment

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(Topic)Bullying is something that can happen to anyone. (Background Info) Some schools have less bullying, some have more, and some have very extreme forms of this torment. An example of a victim of bullying is Jamie Nabozny. He was boy that was pushed, shoved, and was forced to endure severely harsh names that he was called around the halls of his school. All of these cases of persecution all stemmed from his sexual orientation. In high school he even had to be sent to the hospital for surgery after he was kicked to pieces by some of his persecutors. After these tormentors were finished kicking him to the floor he was threatened that they would find him and kill him if he told anyone about this incident. During an interview with Nabozny he said that he *could feel the fear emanating off of him. Kids are tormented for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are based on the victim being different. Since bullying can happen because of many reasons anyone can be a victim (Hook)Do you feel that that a victim can’t be anyone? Do you feel that bullying doesn’t happen everywhere? (Thesis)I say no. Anyone can be a victim and bullying happens anywhere. …show more content…

(Evidence from the Documentary) In the documentary it stated that people are tormented for varied reasons. Some of these reasons include their sexuality, the way they look, the things they like, and for just being different. (Elaboration of Evidence) These many causes for this sort persecution make it so that anyone can be targeted for one reason or another. Bullying also comes in many forms and phases. These many forms and phases allow bullies to be able to target any person because if one form of torment doesn’t work on someone maybe another type will. (Clincher) Due to the fact that bullying can adapt its form and the reasons that people are targeted by bullies are infinite, bullying can happen to

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