Influence Of Ancient Egypt

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Egypt was definitely one of the most influential periods to date, they became an amazing civilization due to their advancements in architecture and culture, This is largely due to the Egyptian style of art and clothing. The art and clothing was colorful, consistent, and structural. They 're three different major times. There was the Old Kingdom which was about (2686 to 2181 B.C.E) In the Old Kingdom came prosperity and success as shown through the creation of the greatest and largest pyramids in Egyptian history, the first King of this time is Djoser & During the old kingdom time, the Egyptian kings were referred to as gods. Then there was the Middle Kingdom (2055 to 1650 B.C.E.) In this time Nubia became the main trading spot along the Nile river. Trading, arts, sculpting and Ancient Egyptians relied on the Nile to help 3 them develop into a prosperous and thriving civilization because much of their land was so dry and hot a lot wouldn 't have been possible without the Nile. They relied on the Nile to grow their crops. The Nile flooded for six months each year, then left behind a fertile layer of dirt as the waters receded which then let the Egyptians grow crops. Egyptians also used the Nile as a trade route because it was easier to move goods from one place to another place Their origin/geography, The gods they believed in, the animals that were around them, especially cats they believed cats were gods and treated with the utmost respect; the royals and their religious beliefs were highly inspirational for them and inspired much of their art however the most important was religion, it always remained the biggest part of the egyptian life they based pretty much everything they did off of it. The symbols that were on much of the structures, were based on the gods, royalties, and the animals. They were one of the most

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