Industrial Revolution Dbq Analysis

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The industrial revolution being in Great Britain in 1750, due to the advancement in technology, and it spread throughout the world. Britain’s unique wealth, resources, education, population, and access to trade were a catalyst for the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution caused job openings and production of cheap product for people but also resulted in pollution, crucial, accidents and brutal punishments. Job openings and Production of cheap product for people became very popular in the industrial revolution, which increased the population in Britain. According to Document 3 it states, “I think that the factory is the best place for me and if any girl wants employment, I advise them to come to Lowell.” Mary Paul loves the factory work and expects all girls to join the job course because the teenage girls will indeed enjoy a job in the textile factory. As stated in Document 2, “Our houses are better built, your clothes are cheaper, you have an infinite numbers of domestic utensils.” The owners in Great Britain increased the amount of product and reduced the cost of the …show more content…

According to Document 3, “The cause of the sickness, which is known by the name of “mill fever”, is the contaminated atmosphere produced by so many breathing in a confined space, together with the heat and exhalations of grease and oil and the gas needed to light the establishment”. In the atmosphere, diseases surface the area, which causes many people to die out in the process of just simply breathing in the air. In Document 5 it states, “The only thing that makes factory labor trying is that they are confined for long hours, and deprived of fresh air: this makes them pale, and reduces their vigorous, but it rarely brings disease. Ultimately, these problems occurred though pollution, when people in their society clearly breath in a small portion of the

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