Individuality In Willy Loman's Death Of A Salesman

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It is human nature for a person to desire to better understand themselves and to acquire a distinct identity. People look to what is simple and familiar when trying to gain a sense of individuality. These identifiers can be found in the jobs people perform, the relationships they share, and any other type of activity that takes place in their daily life. It is also in this search for understanding that can cause the relationships a person shares, such as with close family and friends, to be strained. Willy Loman, the leading character in the play Death of a Salesman attempts to comprehend his place in society, but at the same time he loses the one thing that is his source for identification-his family.
Many times, it is in the process of someone desperately trying to …show more content…

Loman, a salesman, travels often. Never home, he is incapable of being a good father to his sons, and a loving husband to his wife. In the post-WWII era, ideally, the father was the family breadwinner, and the mother stayed home to care for the children. Although Willy has held the position of a salesman for a long time, he isn’t necessarily successful at it; the case is actually quite the opposite. A poor businessman, he is left unable to provide for his family, which leads him to borrow money from his neighbor Charley in order to help pay off the mortgage on his house. His incapacity to fulfill these essential roles leaves him lacking gratification and floundering for a perception of worth.
Willy’s lack of self-worth translates into the deep state of depression that eventually causes him to attempt to take his own life. His wife, Linda has become aware of this, even warning her own children. She discusses with her sons about Willy’s attempted suicide, showing them a rubber hose she found behind the fuse box in the basement; she believes it was used by Mr. Loman in an effort to try and asphyxiate himself. Also, there is evidence that Willy’s car accidents are inevitably not “accidents” at

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