Indigenous People Stereotypes

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Admittedly, before I started working in this unit, I had a very shallow understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their cultures. I have learned in this unit there are mistakes made by my predecessors which caused irreparable damage. I cannot begin to imagine what it must feel like to be an Indigenous person at this point in time. Even after these mistakes, Indigenous people are willing share information about their Country and welcome non-indigenous people to learn about their cultures. Even though I consider myself the “average, ‘white’ working mother” I do not have the support and sense of community like the Indigenous people have, how wonderful it would be for my daughter to have multiple carers in her life. …show more content…

Looking at the history of the Indigenous people and the political events in the last twenty years, I realise that the stereotypes I had experienced growing up are unfounded myths that have somehow manifested over time. I have experienced stereotyping because I returned to work when my daughter was very young, I have simply never taken the time to really consider the effects of stereotypes on Indigenous people and myself. I now see the damage these myths and stereotypes have caused, as Sarra (2014) states “stereotypes influence behaviour” (p.10). I feel this statement is particularly true in today’s society. I personally have had both positive and negative experiences with Indigenous people and white people, this does not mean all people behave in the same way, nor should I believe such statements made by others in. In my employment in early childhood education and care, I get to experience relationships with people of many different cultures and get a small insight into the Indigenous families at our service. The knowledge I am gaining in this unit and my personal pedagogy will help me to choose appropriate strategies when teaching in a classroom. I found the Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives in schools document informative (Department of Education and Training

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