Indian Footwear Industry Essay

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Foot wear industry in India: The heart of Indian footwear industry is the leather industry in India. The entire leather industry in India is driven by the footwear industry. India is the second in producing footwear for the entire world after china, with a local footwear industry evaluated to be about INR 20,000 crore. More than 1 million people are engaged in the footwear industry. The potential is set to change yet gradually, however with a populace matching China for measure, there is no uncertainty the tussle for global control in footwear supply is between these two nations. Today the life style of people has a drastic change and the buying capacity of a customer has been increased. There are as of now numerous new local brands of footwear and numerous outside brands have likewise possessed the …show more content…

• Presently, the Indian footwear market is ruled by Men's footwear that records for about 58% of the aggregate Indian footwear retail market. As footwear retailing in India stay concentrated on men's shoes, there exists a plenty of chances in the restrictive women's and children's footwear section with no composed retailing chain having a national nearness in both of these classes. The footwear component industry additionally has gigantic open door for development to take into account expanding creation of footwear of different kinds, both for fare and household showcase. Difficulties in the Footwear business: Largely disordered and scattered in various parts of the nation. Greatest market being Uttar Pradesh and Tamilnadu. Most of the creation is as yet high quality. We have not been great or open about tolerating new advances in assembling shoes. Highly subject to talented craftsman. This is a stress as the new entrants of craftsman are not willing to join and work in the assembling fragment. Product

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