Indian Food

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Today, India is the second most populous country in the world. The culture of India is also among the oldest to survive, reaching back to nearly 5,000 years. India received their inde-pendence from Britain on August 15th, 1947, thus allowing them to become the most populous democracy in the world. There are many aspects as to what makes India unique, one principle in particular is their food. Indian cooking is vivid, exquisite, and simply delicious. It depends on a wide variety of spices, herbs, and grains for its specific taste. The different types of food which India carry include basic spices, traditional foods, and tasty snacks. It is notable that India has been one of the world’s main dealer of spices for at least 3,600 years.
The basic spices in India include masala, garam masala, and rice with grains. Indian cooks blend spices in several different ways. For one, they create masala which refers to any combination of ground spices. They make masala by smashing together different spices together into a powder. According to Chef Mridula Baljekar, “Spices are the heart and soul of Indian cooking. Knowing how to use the spices is the key that unlocks the secrets of alluring aromas and magical flavors of classic Indian cuisine.” (qtd. in Sheen 7) Garam masala is a specific mixture of up to fifteen spices that is primarily used in Indian cooking. It consists of cinnamon, black pepper, cloves, cardamom, and other spices (Sheen 7).
Rice is also a common food, especially in South India. Since rice symbolizes good fortune in India, rice porridge is usually the first solid food fed to babies (Sheen 8). Rice is also the most crucial crop to India, which is why it is usually prepared in a spiced dish, called pilau. Even though there are...

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...i, Indians boil water with a mix of spices known as chai masala. (Sheen 37)
In conclusion, Indian cooking can very well be known to be vivid, exquisite, and simply delicious. India is a banquet expressed in colors, smells, flavors, and personalities. The hundreds of spices which most Indian cooks use, show exactly why their food can always stand out from others and taste fantastic. The traditional foods used in India such as curry, Roti, and chutneys are some of the reasons as to why India’s dishes are so extraordinary. The tasty snacks in India complete the list by allowing Indians to grab a quick bite while on the way to an important desti-nation.

Works Cited

Green, Jen. Cows. Danbury, Conn.: Grolier, 2009. Print.

Sheen, Barbara. Foods of India. Detroit: KidHaven Press, 2007. Print.

Singh, Sarina. India. 12th ed. Footscray, Vic.: Lonely Planet, 2007. Print.

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