Preventing Incivility in Nursing: The Code of Conduct

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Clinical Question
The specific clinical question guiding the search is: In the workplace nurses had experience incivility, does implementing the code of conduct regarding incivility and open communication with the staff can prevent incivility?
This article addresses the issue of incivility in the workplace of the nurses which include RN and new graduated nurses. In 2010 Smith, Andrusyszyn and Laschinger mention, the first’s year of practice for the new nurses were taught that it was very important to build confidence in the workplace in order to develop a great patient care and a great work environment. However, most of the new graduated nurses were easily expose to incivility from other current nurses. The feelings of the new nurses …show more content…

Lewis, P. S., (2015). The Impact of Workplace Incivility on the Work Environment, Manager Skill, and Productivity. The journal of Nursing Administration. 41, 41-47. Purpose:
Our object is to inform how many current nurses are experiencing incivility in their working area and study the negative effects that incivility between nurses has in the health care field.

Hypothesis: There is none.

Study Question:
There is no study question. Independent Variables: Healthy work environment

Variables: Information regarding incivility. quantitative 659 active BS and BSN; the study was conducted in order to see if the nurses were experiencing incivility. survey The majority of active BS and BSN nurses were experiencing workplace incivility (WPI) in the last year. However, 37% of them indicated that they had instigated WPI to another nurse in the past year. …show more content…

Study Question:
There is no study question. Independent variables: identify and recognizing incivility.

Dependent variables: understanding work environment the first year of practice. quantitative A 250 random newly nurses from different specialties resend the questionnaire package. Mailed survey The results indicated that incivility is experience in newly nurses more than current nurses.

Description of Finding
The concept of both articles are quantitative study of how nurse incivility effects negatively to both current employed nurses and new graduated nurses, even though the new graduated nurses experience it more frequently. The concept is also to be aware and or how incivility can be eradicated from the workplace.

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