In The Time Of The Butterflies Chapter Summary

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Julia Alvarez's novel, In the Time of the Butterflies, tells the story of the Mirabal sisters and their unusual demise. In the 1960's Dominican Republic, three of the sisters, Minerva, Maria Teresa, and Patria Mirabal, are members of the underground movement against the rule of the dictator, Rafael Trujillo. The story leads the reader to how they were ambushed on a small road and murdered, though it was unjustly covered up as an accident. Alvarez’s novel is made up of three different sections, with a finishing epilogue at the end. Each chapter was dedicated to one of the sisters and passage of time, telling their experiences through intimate first person narratives or personal diaries. Alvarez wrote in several different perspectives from each …show more content…

Alvarez is effective in the usage of her characters, each sister holding a distinct personality. While glancing inside the head of Minerva, Maria Teresa, and Patria, it creates a connection with the reader that wouldn’t be possible without Alvarez’s attention to narrative. For example is Maria Teresa’s diary entry from Christmas Eve:
“I am so excited! Christmas and then New Year's then Three Kings- so many holidays all at once! It is hard to sit still and reflect! My soul just wants to have fun! My little niece and nephew are staying through Three Kings' Day. Yes, at ten, I am an aunt twice over. My sister Patria has those two babies and is pregnant with a third one. Noris is so cute, one year old, my little doll. Nelson is three and his is the first boy's thing I've seen close up, not counting animals,” (Alvarez).
With this passage, the reader learns of Mate’s current age and her innocent excitement of the holidays, including her fascination with “boy’s things,” which shows her balancing over the cusp of maturity. Patria is pregnant with her third child, festivities are in full swing, and the Mirabal family holds a moment of peace before the

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