In Ian Frazier's Essay In Praise Of Margins

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According to Ian Frazier in his essay “In Praise of Margins”, Frazier states that marginal places and activities are valuable because it allows us to be free and ourselves. Marginal activities also provide a break from our purpose filled lives. I believe that his views are in fact true. Indeed, marginal places and activities act as a getaway from everything and everyone. It is where we are able to express our true selves These activities may be pointless yet beneficial, but not matter what perspective it is looked from, these activities are always valuable. As teenagers, Frazier and his friends began to wonder “What are we doing?”(In Praise of Margins). They now thought that their time spent in the woods was just a waste of time. As an adult, Frazier realized the importance of the time he and his friends spent in the woods after seeing his children playing in the little irrigation ditch. Children live in a world full …show more content…

An example of positive results that marginal activities may bring is Michael Phelps. Phelps is known for his outstanding swimming skills and multiple Olympic medals, but what many do not know is that as a kid Phelps did not dream of one day becoming a star athlete. In fact, swimming was a marginal activity for him. Being diagnosed at the age of 10 with ADHD, Phelps looked at swimming in order to release the energy that came with this disorder. Swimming became the time where he could relax and do something he enjoyed doing. It was not only an activity where he could take a break from the effects of his disorder, but also where he could do something useful with his time. This activity later proved beneficial to Phelps. At just 15 years old, he became “the youngest male to make a U.S. Olympic team in 68 years” (Wikipedia). Phelps was able to make a career out of this activity, supporting Frazier’s beliefs that marginal activities are indeed

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