Importance Of Storytelling In Three Day Road

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The Importance of Storytelling Storytelling is known to be a part of many people’s childhood. These stories told from parents and guardians, are often told so that the children will either quickly fall asleep, or be entertained. However, in Three Day Road, written by Joseph Boyden, the deeper meaning behind storytelling is revealed through the Cree’s perspective. Throughout the novel, readers are able to understand that storytelling allows Xavier to regenerate, and establish deeper connections with Niska. Also, the journey to accepting reality is demonstrated through Xavier’s adventure. Ultimately, Boyden displays storytelling as a form of revitalizing one’s human spirit. Throughout the novel, Xavier’s state of health is shown frequently. The form of Xavier healing physically and spiritually is illustrated through storytelling. As the illness in Xavier’s body intensifies, readers are able to recognize the power of storytelling. When Niska is unable to find the right cure for Xavier, she recalls how her father told her stories during her childhood. Niska refers to her father’s sto...

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