Importance Of Entrance Exam

636 Words2 Pages

Tam Hoang
Tara Larsen
Writing level 7
January 29th, 2014
The Examination!!
University Entrance Examinations, which is the exam that students must pass with higher score than norm in order to get accepted into universities and colleges, is most important exam to determine students’ future. Each year on July 4th to 10th, in Vietnam gets busier. Candidates and their parents will across country to the two biggest cities: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City for the most important exam. Some people think the Entrance Exam must be compulsory for people whom interested in education while others think the Entrance College should be cancel from education systems.
Taking an entrance exam should be imposition for all students with the purpose of going to college for several reasons. First, the examination can determine students’ intelligent, capacity, and the level of students’ tendencies toward the college. Many students, who want to reach their goal, spent most of their time to study. Some students who did an awesome job in high school but they can’t get into a university. Why? Because it is not their real ability, in order to graduate high school, they cheat in the classes. The examination will be the accurate measure to know students’ real potential. For example, a student who really wants to be a student in their dream university, they know that have to study the backside off to become that university’s student from the day they stepped into high school. In fact, candidates who are committed to take exam capable perform this test. Second, an entrance exam guarantees (not 100%) the best selection talented, genius students for universities and colleges. The knowledgeable and outstanding students pass the entrance exam in universities where the...

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...exam. They kill themselves because they’re scared of their family. Their parents force them to study hard. Both students and parents lack communication. Students become depression whose parents don’t understand them . Finally, this exam is totally wasted time of youth. For example, I have a friend who failed her entrance exam last year, and this year she will take the exam again but who knows if she will fail again then she wastes two years. Some people take exams 5 times, which means they waste 5 years.
In conclusion, every summer is a headache to with Vietnamese students. The University entrance examination has some negative points but it also has some positive points. Although it is true that the university entrance examination has advantages but I think the good points overweigh its disadvantage. I think summer is the time you need relaxing and entertainment.

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