Importance Of Cooking Essay

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Learning the Importance of Cooking Cooking is a creation in the kitchen, a combination of raw materials, and the use of utensils to create a dish. Culture is a mixture of beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place or time. With both of these together, one can obtain a deeper knowledge of the connection between food and people. This generation’s people do not know the bare necessities of life, which is why a lot of people in the present day don't know how to cook. The convenience of fast food has made it much easier to forget about cooking in general. People see cooking as a chore, but it could be made more enjoyable. In most cultures, food plays an important part of daily life; changing the way someone eats and …show more content…

“Cooking gets a bad rap. People use the excuses: It’s time-consuming, inconvenient, or difficult. Who has hours to chop ingredients, monitor cooking times, and do all the other herculean work that preparing a meal can seemingly demand?”(Hyman) A lot of it depends on how a person thinks of cooking when it's time to do so. Yes, it’s very time consuming, inconvenient and difficult, but it all depends on what a person will cook. It doesn't have to be a gourmet ‘Gordon Ramsay’ styled meals every time, it can be something simple and fun. “Get everyone involved. Enlist help from family members — drag your kids away from their video games and ask them to measure ingredients, pull food from the fridge, or even chop veggies if they’re ready to take on this task. Decide on meals together to get everyone excited about what’s in …show more content…

Although cooking can get very messy, it’s relying on many others to have a connection with their families. “Home cooking is extremely important for health and it can change your life. He says home cooking has been in decline since 1960s. And it is no coincidence that as rates of home cooking decline, rates of obesity goes up.” (Brincat) A lot of people aren’t cooking because it's time consuming/messy, that’s why it’s necessary to make it fun! If there’s not preparation for what a person will cook, there’s a simple explanation why it’s so time consuming. For example: not checking to see if all the ingredients are there or measure them out beforehand etc.. Another thing that's a need to know is the basic cooking skills: how to hold and use a knife, follow the steps of the recipe, and

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