Importance Of Community Relationship In School

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School community relationship is a mutual understanding through which the school and the community link with each other for the achievement of goals of the community and school too. School is a social organization functions properly on the effective interrelationship within it and with its associate communities. An issue in a school affects the community likewise to what happens in the community affects school. This implies that the community builds its schools likewise to the schools (Sidhu, 2007). Therefore, school relation with the community is mutually interdependence. School community relationship helps to improve the quality of education for all children. It helps parents and other citizens recognize their responsibility for the quality …show more content…

The student use skills acquired at school to entertain and serve members of the community. For instance, student’s drama clubs can perform some interesting drama to entertain senior citizens at their homes or on any special occasion. The partnership may involve use of school or neighbours facilities and equipment, sharing other resources, collaborative fund raising and grant applications, volunteer assistance, mentoring and training from professionals and others with special expertise, information sharing and dissemination, networking, recognition and public relations, shared responsibility for planning, implementation and evaluation of programs and services, expanding opportunities for internships, jobs, recreation and building a sense of community. Encourage community use of school facilities: Often the school building sit empty after the end of the normal school day. Encouraging non-profit community groups to use the facilities is not only good use of resources but also provides opportunities for the schools to get involved in community projects. School resources are very important in promoting school community relationship. According to Bakwai (2013) some of these resources which can be used in promoting school community relationship include the …show more content…

They can be allowed to be used by the communities when school closes or is on holidays. Egbezor (2005) noted that the classrooms are used for adult literacy activities nationwide, for public health activities like immunizations, public enlightenment exercises, in emergency epidemic situations and school building are converted into make shift hospitals. School buildings are also put into use during voting exercises. This will help establish good relationship with the community. School library can equip a room with books that parents can come to read and borrow. The books to be provided should be of interest to the parents such as books on child psychology, married life, current affairs and health care. Community organizations can be allowed to use school hall for social events, meetings, games and festivals. This will make community organizations be concerned with whatever would be happening to the school. School can establish business centres and/or restaurants around the school gate. This will be intended to serve both the school and the neighbouring community. This will always bring the school closer to the community members and they will be most concerned with anything that will affect the

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