Importance Of Cardinal Virtues

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Venial sings are less serous than mortal sins because they do not destroy our relationship with God and our ability to love.
Venial sins are closely associated with vices. Vices are the opposite of virtues, which are habits of good actions. When we keep repeating sins, even venial ones, we are in danger of forming bad habits, called vices. The danger of developing a vice is that it makes it easier to commit sin without seriously thinking about it. Eventually, this makes it easier to commit mortal sin.

If we develop the cardinal virtues in our life, and practice all other virtues and pure our mind, we become a person of moral character. To have character means that you do the right thing, even under difficult circumstances.

Virtues are firm attitudes, stable demeanors, and the habitual perfection of our intellect and our will that guide our movements as per reason and faith. The human virtues develop in us through practice. Practice helps us outfit the power of grace within us, and as we practice more, it is easier to make better and good moral decisions.

Living the First Commandment is a natural expression of the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. Faith is belief in God. Faith is the gift of God inviting us to believe in him, never forcing our acceptance. Hope in God is closely connected to our faith. It enables us to keep our eyes on the prize of Heaven and eternal life. It inspires us in this life, helping us to overcome discouragement. And then there is love, also called charity, which is the greatest of all the theological virtues. Love is the virtue that gives life to the Commandment to love God above all things, and our neighbor as us.

Cardinal virtues are four virtues that are viewed as pivotal or essentia...

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...or trustworthiness and the dependability and the nature of being virtuous. Integrity also means wholeness of being. For Catholics, the call to integrity includes strength and faithfulness and the fruitful integration of human in their sexuality inside the individuals and spiritual being. Integrity is an important element relevant to each individual.

To have a great character is that doing the right things considerably under the difficult circumstances. In order to teach individuals to be a good character, it includes the readiness of learners to be mindful, caring and contributing citizen. The Community of good character will create a solid feeling of character both inside and outside of them. The Gospel values of faith, hope, love, community, dignity of individual, excellence, equality and stewardship for creation will manage us to be a group of good character.

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