Importance Of Agriculture In Pakistan

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In Pakistan, Agriculture plays an important role in the development of the country and is considered to be a consistent source for the income of the country. It is also contributing much in the GDP of the country and employs 45% of the country’s labor force helping in the growth of other economy sectors.
¬In agriculture sector, the most important crops are cotton, wheat, rice, and sugarcane, which jointly make up more than 75% of the value of total crop production. Pakistan's major food crop is wheat. In 2005, Pakistan produced 21,591,400 metric tons of wheat, more than all of Africa’s wheat production that was about 20,304,585 metric tons.
Pakistan is a major food exporter, except in occasional years when its harvest is adversely affected by drought. Pakistan exports cotton, fish, rice, fruits, and vegetables. The country is also an Asia's largest camel market, second-largest apricot and ghee market and third-largest cotton, onion and milk market.
Agriculture not only includes the crops but livestock and fisheries also makes up in the agriculture sector. Livestock plays a significant role in Pakistan’s economy and adds about 11.9% in the GDP of the Pakistan. Moreover, it plays an important role in removing the poverty from the rural areas. Livestock sector contributed 55.4% in year 2012-2013 in the agriculture sector and 55.3% in the year 2011-2012.The animals included in the livestock of Pakistan are Cattle, sheep, Buffalos, Camels, horses, asses and goat.
Moreover, Pakistan is the world’s fifth largest milk producer. Not only that its worth surpasses the combined value of its two major crops i.e. wheat and cotton. Major initiatives have been launched to improve animal breeds and feedstock, as well as improving milk...

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...hydro resources.

The export of the coal in negligible in the past years but it has been using in the country for the local use but not more efficiently. The coal can help in effectively generating energy. But even thou the energy deficit are badly affecting the industries in our country still no serious initiative is being taken for electricity production from coal. If we talk about China it imports its 65 percent of coal requirements but despite being a good friend and neighbor of Pakistan China does not import coal from Pakistan.

The deposit of coal in Pakistan is more than twice as compare to oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. In order to generate high revenue it can be converted into oil by using the method of gasification, it can generate 650 barrels of crude oil which at an average market rate of eighty dollars per barrel and can generate 5.2 trillion dollars.

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