Impact Of Social Media On Education

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The Impact of Social Media on Society 80 percent of Americans between the ages of 18-24 use Facebook. It's amazing how many people actually use social media and social networking sites on a day-to-day basis. Social media has a very important and powerful impact on all of us. Even children are introduced to and easily influenced by it from a very young age. Social media has the ability to change our lives without us even realizing it and that is what makes it so dangerous. It affects everything from the way we look to the way we communicate. Although social media has many positive effects on us like making communicating easier, promoting business faster and having information readily available, it also has its negative side. There are many consequences that we must pay for such as cyber-bullying, invasion of privacy, lack of productivity and body shaming. Whether we want to admit it or not, social media is shaping us as individuals, our …show more content…

Nevertheless, it is has a big impact on education. There are many potential benefits of using social media in education. One of the benefits is that users are constantly sharing information among themselves. They are sharing their opinions, views on certain issues and information that can help them in classes. Students often use social media to interact with other classmates and their teachers about class-related things and seek help from them. Another important thing is that they are learning in a modern way. The information they need is in the palm of their hands. Students learn more effectively when they are interact with other that are learning the same things and have discussions about certain topics. Despite the positive side of social media when it comes to education, there are also many concerns. The main concern is abusing the privilege to use social media. Many students instead of using social media to learn something, will actually waste time surfing the

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