Impact Of Advanced Nurse Practice In Nursing

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Impact of the Advanced Nurse Practice in the nursing profession
When implemented the Clinical Nurse Consultant Research, nursing will be improve in other directions and not only patient care but the skill, knowledge and critical thinking of the nurse.
As these professionals will be of great help to all the medical and academic community since the CNRC are suitable for carrying out research which will help improve the quality of patient care, as these introduce the most recent data from medical research to nurses who are in charge of patient care.
Right now some countries like Australia and UK facing some problems with this issue. Because even that this countries have CNC and are prepared to become CNRC cannot grow 100% because they have various barriers. In Australia the nurses are required to do research on their own to improve the practice of nursing even that they don’t have the training to do this. And this is because culturally, academically and support organization have barriers that prevent them to conduct such research.
Because nurses are not prepared in research is estima...

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