Imagination In Big Fish

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J.K Rowling once said “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared”. The idea of imagination that Rowling conveys is that imagination is the key for vital human experiences and the source of all innovation, within Tim Burton’s movie “Big Fish” imagination is used as a way to shine a light of optimism in the life of Edward Bloom. In contrast Edward’s son William’s imagination, which is dull and bleak thus inhibits from seeing the world and his memories in such as a positive colorful light as …show more content…

In Tim Burton’s “Big Fish” imagination plays a large role in the life of Edward Bloom, which contrasts the life of his son William on the perspective of imagination. William being immersed in his father’s stories, anecdotes, and allusions all his life becomes fed up for his father’s knack for embellishing the truth, this turning point changes the course of action in William’s life. Moreover William from being fed up with his father’s constant use of imagination beings to see things in a more “black and white” mindset and develops and apollonian characteristic, thus builds a conflict between William’s lack of imagination and Edward’s vast,plentiful imagination. Due to this lack of relation between the two William and Edward choose not to talk to each other for years. Tim Burton displays the notion that whether or not you have imagination can lead you to viewing and pursuing life and very different ways, that imagination can greatly shape the outlook you have on life whether sad or happy events and how you can see things in a different light with …show more content…

Moreover William sees the significance his father’s stories and that there are truths to them, he even makes a story in similar fashion to his father, he helps his father have one last positive outlook of the vast things that happened in his life even though the situation was quite dire the power of imagination and storytelling helped William convey an optimistic resolution to his father’s life. He exclaims in the story that all character’s in his father’s stories were there to see departure and “not a sad face was seen”, William found new use for his imagination and that was to bring positivity and fulfillment out of life and the events that occur within it. An early occurrence that supported that William was starting to have a change of heart for his father’s stories was the scene of William cleaning his father’s pool, when all the sudden a big fish emerges, which conveys the notion that “the big fish” was perhaps real and that there were truth to his father’s stories. Williams’s newfound comprehension for his the importance behind his father’s tales and that he created them out of sheer love and admiration for him and his mother greatly contrasts from his initial viewpoint of his father's imagination. William formerly believed his father

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