Identity Theft Informative Speech

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Professor Daniel Shears SPC 1024 November 6th 2014 General Purpose: to present an informative speech. Specific Purpose: to present an informative speech about identity theft. Introduction: 1. Attention Getter: 7% of people 16 years or older were victims of identity theft in the year 2012 approximately 16.6 million people. (BJS) II. Motivation for Listening: Identity theft is becoming a major problem for consumers. Frank Abagnale now an American Security Consultant who has had a novel and a movie made after him after he had stolen the identities of an airline pilot, doctor, lawyer, and a US Bureau of Prison agent. He said that the police cannot protect consumers, people need to be more aware and educated about identity theft, you need …show more content…

In a survey that was conducted by me at work out of 30 coworkers 18 were the victims of some form of identity theft. III. Thesis Statement: Identity Theft is rapidly becoming a national issue because anyone of us could be a victim of identity theft. How we protect our self, keep our information private, identify any signs of identity theft, and report and repair our credit is up to each one of us. We have to be vigilant about our protecting ourselves from criminals. IV. Preview of Speech: In my speech, I will inform you about the different types of identity theft, what are some of the signs, ways to report and how to repair identity theft once damage has been caused? Transition to Speech: Could you be a victim of identity …show more content…

Child Identity Theft is when a child social security number is used to apply for government benefits, open bank and credit cards, apply for loan or even rent a place. Social Security numbers are the most commonly used piece of information by identity thieves targeting children. In fact, 56% of respondents reported theft or misuse of a child 's SSN; a study found that 2.5 percent of U.S. households with children under age 18 experienced child identity fraud at some point during their child 's lifetime. This equates to one in 40 households with minor children being affected by this crime

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