What Is The Purpose Of The Time Traveler's Guide To Elizabethan England

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The Elizabethan era was a time of literary discoveries, military victories, and religious developments. History tends to focus on the military achievements of the time, such as the successful defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, or the religious developments of the time, such as the overthrow of the Catholic Church in England and the implementation of the Protestant Church. Literature historians focus on the emergence of Elizabethan authors like Shakespeare and Marlowe. Ian Mortimer, the author of The Time Traveler’s Guide to Elizabethan England, focuses on the social history of the era. He explains the lives of the people of England in the 1600s. Mortimer describes their laws, their medicine, their eating and dressing habits, and their entertainment. The purpose of The Time Traveler’s Guide to Elizabethan England is to give readers a vivid look into the past, into one of the most celebrated eras in history, with hopes that the modern era learns that “the past is not just something to be studied; it is also something to be lived” (Front Flap). Throughout the book, Mortimer makes several major interpretations of the society of …show more content…

At the end of the book, Mortimer provides a full list of sources used, which totals to about 149 citations. These are cited a total of 722 times. The uses are all explained in the notes, pages 327 to 353. Nearly 25 sources were written before the 1900s, and a majority of the sources were studies and papers from prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. The sources were primarily secondary because they were mostly papers from the early 1800s and spreading to the 1900s and early 2000s. The sources that were written in the 1500s and 1600s seemed to be diaries and journals of various educated people. Mortimer uses these sources by providing examples from the older texts to support his conclusions about society or giving numerical data with some of the newer

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