Chasing My Dreams: A Basketball Journey

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When I was younger, I always wanted to be a professional basketball player. I fell in love with basketball when I first started playing. I started playing basketball when I was eight years old. I really didn’t know any of the rules, but I was so interested in getting better. I would play basketball all day to get better. I loved watching basketball as well. My idol was Kobe Bryant. I always dreamed of being better than him. I made my style of play like him. In fourth grade, I made the basketball team. I wasn’t really good at first, but I made my way up with hard work. I learned the rules about basketball and pretty soon I was one of the best players on the team. All I would talk and think about was basketball. It was my hobby and I felt like I was …show more content…

All that hard work for nothing. I finally felt how feels to lose. During the summer, I started putting in extra work so that we could be the best team. I didn’t even have a basketball hoop back then so to practice my shooting I would go find a park where there was a basketball hoop and shoot there. In seventh grade, I was once again the best player on the team and the second game of the season, I had a moment that I will never forget. I was on fire that game. I couldn’t miss a shot. I felt the fire inside of me. In the fourth quarter, the other team took a two point lead with ten seconds to go. Our coach said, “Harsh you’re going to hit the game winning shot.” I was getting nervous. I felt my hands beginning to tremble. We had to win the game though. My friend got the ball and he passed it to me. I crossed my man over and hit a three. We won the game and everyone went crazy. I will never forget how excited I was after the game. Later that year, we lost in the first round of the playoffs. We were the best team and we still lost. Even though I got trophy for the most valuable player, I was breathing fast. was shocked and disappointed. This was yet another setback. That summer, I moved schools. There

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