I Have A Dream Figurative Language Essay

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In the speech I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King, and the image Minor in Social Justice to Focus on Equality, Inequality by Brian Flood, the author and the artist urges all people to strive for equality for all so everyone can be treated equally. Through figurative language, and syntax by King and placement by Flood, the artist and author convey a hopeful and urgent tone that demonstrates that change must take place for equality to be achieved because without change, nothing will be accomplished. First, figurative language in the text conveys the idea that working as a single unit unites people. For example, when King describes how people will create change, he states “With this faith we will be able to transform...into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.” The …show more content…

For example, when King envisions the future of equality, he describes “...a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.” The first metaphor compares a hot desert state to injustice and oppression which reinforces that injustice and oppression is uncomfortable and exhausting, just like a desert. The second metaphor compares an oasis, which is life giving, to freedom and justice, which demonstrates that freedom and justice are essential needs.. Because an oasis provides water, a basic need, freedom and justice are also needed to survive. These details support the idea that change can transform a death-like place into a life providing one. Likewise, the placement in the image reinforces the idea the hope empowers change. For example, in the image Flood places a bright white beam of light the background which implies hope in the future. The placement underscores that justice emerges from equality which demonstrates a hopeful tone. These details support that righteousness transpires from

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