I Am The Clay By Chaim Potok

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Often when individuals face challenging circumstances, they do not think about helping others, especially when such decisions place them at risk. However, in Chaim Potok’s I am the Clay, an elderly couple during the Korean War decides to use their sparse resources to rescue an injured Korean boy from a ditch. Initially, the husband doesn’t want the child, but the wife sees the boy as a replacement for her lost child. In the process of saving someone who has little to offer them, the couple gets far more in return for their efforts as the young boy soon become the life saver for them. Thus, suggests thematically and initial burden can either become a blessing and can help one through the challenging times. The boy in I am the Clay epitomizes …show more content…

In story the family’s memories bring distress to them. However, these reminders enable them to survive when they face extreme danger. Remembering his real family’s traumatized the boy, and memories often of his old life come back and haunt him. As the boy recalls his previous life to the old women, he says, “My mother has earth in her mouth and sings when she sews or prepares the most delicate of foods, my mother tells tigers of tigers and birds and swinging contests, my mother lies in the burning village in a grave so shallow it was not ever to her ears, but earth was in her mouth (76).” The memories cause the boy pain as he greatly misses his mother, but later on, memories like this allow him and his new family to survive. On guard duty at night, the boy uses his memories of his old life to stay awake and to tend the fire. Failure to do so would have resulted in certain death for the family because of the extreme coldness. In this quote, the memories of Kim Sin Gyu’s father and his mother’s keep him awake. “…I would have lost some of the fingers, and Father was dark with anger. This is a foolish boy, he said…Mountains, forests, valleys, caves and great open plains. And most especially the palace of the queen…More wood again? How quickly it burns down. (104)” Also, memories allow both Kim Sin Gyu and the old man to connect with each other because both of their uncles wanted them to be hunters, but their fathers disagreed. This memory strengthens the bonds between them. Although the old man regrets his decision to abide by his father’s wishes, he recognizes the young boy’s future is still not decided, and begins to help him. Memories have also been a curse and a blessing to me. Last year, I played in a Level 3 USTA tennis tournament. I got to the semifinals where I played against a 3 star player (the highest ranking is a 5 star). I lost to this kid 3-6, 2-6, and the memories of this loss

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