Hyperbole In Lord Of The Flies

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1. The boys on the island start developing tensions. One group of boys was assigned to build huts and the other was supposed to keep the signal fire alive. During the time that the boys were building shelter, they began fighting amongst themselves about the conspiracy of the so-called ‘beastie’ and whether monsters are real or not. Meanwhile, while Jack is supposed to be watching the signal fire, he decides to lead his group to hunt a pig. Although Ralph strongly disagreed with this idea, Jack still believed that hunting is a priority. Jack’s group successfully murders a pig but while they were gone, a ship had passed by the island. Ralph gets very angry with him because if Jack were on the mountain, maintaining the fire, the ship …show more content…

Some of the most important rhetorical strategies and literary devices used by Golding are hyperboles, archetypes, and symbolism. A good example of a hyperbole is when the twins are describing the beast they saw. “There were eyes-“, “teeth-“, “claws-“ (Golding, 100). The boys exaggerate what they saw in order to prove a point. They did not actually see claws or barred teeth; it was just a dead man. An Archetype used in this novel is the ‘classic nerd’ that Piggy portrays. He is chubby, smart, short and unathletic. William Golding uses a great deal of symbolism but the “beastie” is a perfect example. The beast that the boys describe represents their internal fear of the unknown and how it is affecting their sanity. The twins say “We ran as fast as we could.. the beast followed us”. (100, Golding). It represents that their fear is catching up to them.
6. Golding also uses a lot of foreshadowing. The first fight the boys go through foreshadows the chaos to come. The fight about the smoke signal shows that tensions are starting to strain and the boys are getting more and more likely to turn on each other. This fight especially highlights the difference in opinions between Jack and Ralph. Although they started as friends, time is revealing that their personalities and ideas clash. This is another huge example of foreshadowing considering that later on, boys with side themselves with either Jack or

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