Hurricane Harvey Essay

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Hurricane Harvey was one of the most devastating hurricanes to strike the United States in several years. Harvey resulted in over eighty fatalities and over 150 billion dollars in damages. This proves to be one of the most destructive hurricanes to be recorded. The overwhelming damage was caused by many different aspects; however, three of the greatest aspects are: varying weather patterns throughout the storm, the city structure of Houston, Texas, and the lack of evacuation. Each of these factors affected the city in a different way, but all resulted in a common outcome, devastation. One obvious reason that this hurricane was so devastating was due to weather patterns. Harvey was originally just a tropical storm, but jumped from a category …show more content…

This may be a common trend in every large city if more hurricanes strike. Urban development in almost all cities in America has made flooding worse than it should be. The creation of buildings, asphalt, concrete, and other things have eliminated much of the grass in the cities, which will cause less rainwater to be absorbed into the ground. Although most major cities have rain drainage channels, Houston may not have had enough of them, which caused them to fill up with water. The water had nowhere to go except on the streets. The city of Houston avoided floodplains. The floodplains that were present in Houston were often ignored by construction companies. These companies chose to build houses on the floodplains. This is discussed in this quote by Sean Breslin, “In the months following Hurricane Harvey, Houstonians face an important decision: respect the floodplain and stop building homes wherever, or continue to ignore the lessons taught by countless flood events and build more homes in the most vulnerable areas of town” (Breslin n. pag). I feel that if the civilians and building companies in Houston would have respected the floodplains years earlier, fewer lives would have been lost in this hurricane. Coral reefs provide excellent coastline protection which slows the hurricane just before landfall. The death of coral reefs also could have played a large role in why the hurricane was so …show more content…

Harvey resulted in over eighty fatalities and over 150 billion dollars in damages. Several factors were to blame for this immense destruction. Varying weather patterns throughout the storm, the city structure of Houston, Texas, and no mandatory evacuation caused this devastation. In my opinion, people need to respect the natural land structure and ocean life, such as coral reefs. These structures play an important role in preserving our environment during natural disasters. People also need to take warnings seriously, such as the instance in which the Texas governor addressed the citizens in Houston to

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