Hurricane Descriptive Writing

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping rapidly. Ugh, I thought. I barely got enough sleep last night worrying about the hurricane that the news reporter was babbling about on TV. I tried sneaking outside around midnight to get some fresh air, but my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. What if the hurricane came now? Nobody would know where I went, and I would be lost forever. After about 5 minutes of just pondering, (my alarm clock still screaming at me), I climbed out of bed and silenced the clock, which was giving me a headache. I looked in the mirror and it reflected a big mess. Brown, scraggly, tangled hair, droopy eyes,and a frown. I walked down the steps to the crowded living room with low roofs, white walls and waterlogged carpets when I saw the familiar short, blonde haired woman watching the …show more content…

We both hurried through the stairwell, the water right on our heels, and we reached the top. I observed the trapdoor confusingly. It was open when I came back to get Mariah..? I tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. I started hammering on it, screaming for anyone to help. I ordered Mariah to watch and see if anyone came. I grabbed an office chair and hurried back, and hurdled it at the door. No luck. I did that 4 more times before the lock broke with a faint click. I pushed open the door as hard as I could, making it fling all the way back. I helped Mariah up the ladder and followed under her, making sure that she didn’t wander off again. Both Mariah and I looked up and saw the bright blue sky, despite all the chaos below. There was the helicopter in the distance, already taken off. I grab a rock at my feet and throw it as far as possible in the helicopter’s direction. I barely see one of my rocks hit the windshield, cracking it slightly. The helicopter turned around and descended down to the helipad once more, and my mom didn’t hesitate to leap out of the helicopter and hug

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