Hunting Persuasive Essay

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Hunting, a recreational pastime,a way to sustain human life, and an underestimated technique in wildlife conservation, has existed since the dawn man.
Some people in today's culture are split between what they perceive about hunting. Some believe that hunting is a necessity in today's natural realm, especially to help contain the number of one species. but with the other portion of people believing that hunting is inhumane and cruel, even though i believe in sustainable hunting for a majority of the world, both views should be not only examined but extensively respected due to the fact every person, no matter race, net worth or beliefs has the right to believe whatever they so choose to. The example of yellowstone national park during the …show more content…

Since their ivory is so very valuable through the black market, it makes them a prime target for not only poachers, but people trying to raise money to support a household in today's third world countries. But what statistics are showing is that african countries who allow regulated hunting have not only a major increase in animal population but also better funds to help support the villages in those third world countries. The reason for better animal population is due to what is called “trophy hunting”. When a person participates in regulated hunting, they are assigned a guide not only to ensure the hunters safety but to help them determine the oldest animal in the herd. sometimes animals can suffer a to a great extent just by aging. A clear example of this are Elephants, which are known to become so old their legs cannot support their weight, and after hours of severe agonizing pain the elephant suffocates under its own weight. This is a clear argument for pro hunting, adding to numerous arguments which explain hunting as a legitimate humane conservation effort. In addition, the economic boost comes from the funding due to regulated hunting, which helps pays for school education for kids,which not only helps fund anti poaching campaigns to reduce the number of animals lost to poaching but also helps pays for school education for local

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