How to End Cyber Bullying

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Cyber bullying can be more terrifying than standard bullying, because the target typically does not know who is after them. Cyber bullies believe that because they are posting anonymously or not using their names, they can get away with anything. The case is that Internet activity is traceable. It is important to know that cyber bullying can be charged as crimes. In some cases, cyber bullies will be charged as sexual predators and have to be on the registry. Furthermore, items posted on the Internet can affect the person’s ability to get into university or employment.

Cyber Bully Statistics

• Around half of all teens have been the victims of cyber bullying (, 2013)

• More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online (, 2013).

• Only 1 in 10 victims of cyber bullying tell a parent (Random Facts, 2014).

• According to disability, harassment, civil, and criminal laws bullying can easily become a crime (Random Facts, 2014).

• About 1 in 5 teens have posted or sent sexually suggestive or nude pictures of themselves or others (bullyingstatistics,org, 2013).

• Cyber Bullying victims are more likely to have low self-esteem and to consider suicide (, 2013).

What are cyber burn books?

Cyber burn books are sites where people can anonymously spread rumors, gossip, slander, and insult targets they know. Burn books are more likely to be created on Facebook. What types of things would be posted on this site?

The posts vary, but usually include rumors, gossip, embarrassing photos or information posted.

Who do they affect?

Everyone is affected, but the impact on the target is the most damaging. What will the target experience as a result?

When an...

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