How the Super Bowl Affects Society

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Over the past twenty years, many things have changed and evolved to impact our economy. From cell phones to music to media, we are all constantly affected. The most influential aspect though, in my opinion, has been America’s biggest game, the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl by all means effects our economies in every way, shape, and form. The sport is one of the most complex social institutions in American Society. Sports effect major institutions of society, including: the mass media, politics, religion, education, and family. The Super Bowl gathers thousands of viewer’s attentions including those who do not usually watch the regular season games. Football is by all means an American sport. Since the day a baby is born in America whether it be a boy or a girl, one of the first words they learn to say is ball, and after a few months they add the word foot in front of the word ball, and by the time you know it your baby boy is playing football, and your little girl is cheering “Go Steeler’s go!” and without intention their cultural identity starts. As far back as I can remember, every year, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends would gather at my family’s home to watch this event called theSuper Bowl. It was something that could not be missed, because if you did you were considered a lost cause. Everyone feels the need to belong. Some people find the answer to fulfill that need in sports. In the United States, the go-to sport is football. Following one’s hometown team or childhood NFL team through the regular season, playoffs, and hopefully, the Super Bowl has become a staple for today’s culture. Whether or not their favorite team makes it to the big Super Bowl game, they still find themselves cheering on one of the teams competing. T... ... middle of paper ... ... from its most humble beginnings to now being the most viewed game and valued form of entertainment, the NFL and the Super Bowl have become a staple and reliable boost for our economy. Everyone knows about football and it is on pace to become, if not already, the most influential and dependent resource ever. Bibliography "Super Bowl Stress can Trigger Health Issues." CTV News, 2013. Web. 28 Nov 2013. Andrew. "Super Bowl 2013 Facts and Figures." Huffington Post, 2013. Web. 29 Nov 2013. Gilbert, Mark. "Financial Impact of the Super Bowl." Fox Sports, 2013. Web. 28 Nov 2013. Stradbrooke, Samuel. "Super Bowl Boosts the Economy." Online Sports News, 2013. Web. 28 Nov 2013. Grohol, James. "Super Bowl Sunday, Domestic Violence and Your Health." Psych Central, 2013. Web. 28 Nov 2013. Rice, Stoney. "Super Bowl Impact." Personal interview. 29 Nov 2013. 2013.

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