How To Write A Worldview Essay

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Worldview is how you look at something you value, what you believe in or how you see the world. Worldview can be what people think of the world or even major issues that are going on around the world. It’s something that influences your day by day, and something that you may have been taught or learned. My worldview of this world is based on my biblical principles that I believe in. My worldviews are set on morals, values and standards. My parents shaped a lot of my worldviews growing up and how to look at certain issues in this world. I continue to stand by them till this day. When it comes to the truth and what is right I believe it is revealed first by God and the Holy Bible. I believe God created us in his image, that we didn’t come from …show more content…

A worldview is something that everyone should take the time to evaluate and to ask themselves is this what they stand by. Everyone will always have their own perspective of this world when comes it to God, the government and people. As a Christian you will be challenged on your worldview. It is a Christian responsibility to share with people who don’t know the true worldview of God.

Survey of the Biblical doctrine of Creation
The degree I am working towards is Human Services at Liberty. Human Services are required to helping with human needs and social services. Human services deal with trying to prevent as well as remediation of problems, but you should remain committed to improving the amount of quality of lives. This field includes things like: social sciences, psychology, and evaluating people every day.
The belief that can affect the way I interact with people within a chosen vocation can be challenging just because someone may come to me for help or I should help someone that may not believe in the same thing I believe in, but has human services worker I would have to set aside my beliefs. I want to find ways or a solution that can improve the situation. I want to see a positive outcome from the situation instead of it continuing to be a problem.

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