How Ocd Affects Activities Of Daily Living

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How OCD affects activities of daily living [paragraph 1: what is OCD, who it was discovered by and how, common symptoms of OCD] Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a common, chronic disorder where a person has uncontrollable obsessions and compulsions that result in repeated actions, thoughts, or feelings. There are numerous signs and symptoms accompanied with OCD which makes it easier to identify. Common symptoms of obsession include fear of germs, the unyielding need to have things in perfect order, or aggressive threats. These symptoms always induce anxiety and panic. Common urges of compulsion include excessive cleaning, arranging objects, or repeated counting. People will perform these rituals in hopes of making the obsessive thoughts disappear, but it only temporarily alleviates the anxiety. It is not unusual for a person to spend hours of their day repeatedly doing the same routine and it significantly disrupts their day. Obsessions and compulsions may ease or increase over time and constantly affects daily living, such as not being able to keep a steady job. OCD affects all ages alike—adults, adolescents, and children; although, most people are diagnosed around 19 years old. [Thesis about how OCD affects daily living activities and whom] Living with OCD is a condition where a person is plagued with never-ending cycles of repetitive thoughts and behaviors and presents daily challenges for all people. It is not certain what the exact cause of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, but researchers believe it to be a combination of biological and environmental factors. Biologically, the brain communicates with itself via neurons—brain nerve cells—and OCD is potentially caused by a malfunction in the communication pathways. OCD is a... ... middle of paper ... ...Protocol=http/ Article 3: Article 4: Article 5:

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