How Is Money Equal Happiness In The Great Gatsby

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Within the real world individuals constantly ask: Does money actually equal happiness? Money doesn’t equal happiness, money equals superiority or privilege and happiness equals desire. Similarly, in Scott Fitzgerald's’ The Great Gatsby, Tom, Daisy and Gatsby portray money equals superiority and happiness equal desire by the actions they chose to make as well as their deep sentiments. Primarily, Gatsby, the West Egg millionaire uses the newly derived money to get the girl he wants so he can fulfill his dream of being eternally in love with her. Initially, Gatsby was a poor, his goal was to be of higher economic status so he could win over Daisy. Although when an individual becomes wealthy he/she grows superior: “He wanted nothing… five …show more content…

As a man of high privilege, Tom is considerably able to get away with a lot: “ I couldn’t forgive… they had made…” (179). Rich people often believe and are accustomed to having people clean up their mess. Both Tom and Daisy created a domino affect of issues which affected Gatsby, and both Myrtle and George Wilson. Because Tom has money, he has a the capability or privilege to get away with a lot opposed to people of lower socio-economic status. By moving West, he left others to deal with a the effect of his actions demonstrating, money gives him the approach as being superior and above the people below him. Also, due to the fact Tom and Daisy do not have the best relationship: “That’s what I… ‘Hulking’, insisted Daisy”(12) he is neither getting love or attention from Daisy. Because their relationship isn’t well he looks for affection elsewhere by adopting a mistress, Myrtle Wilson. He and Myrtle have secret relations though everyone seems to know about their secret: “Tom’s got some… Don’t you think?” (15). Much like Daisy, Tom is unhappy with his relationship with Daisy so he cheats on her with Myrtle. He is a coward for thinking no one would suspect they were together, but there is no hiding Tom and Myrtle’s relationship. Toms cheats on her for his own benefit so he can be happy and get affection from a woman who is of different social class and has a contrasting appearance as

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