How Is Chris Mccandless Selfish

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Chris McCandless, the boy who went to survive into the world in the book Into The Wild, is a reckless idiot because he went off into the wild unprepared and naive to the outside world.It is true that Chris took classes in Africa and graduated Emory University, but that does not mean he does not lack the common sense he needs to survive. Everywhere Chris went, he was unsafe, not asking for help, as if he was wanting to die. Not to mention he got a ride and took a job from a man by the name of ‘Crazy Ernie.’ One of his biggest mistakes was his food supply, causing him the starvation that killed him. Mainly consisting of rice and whatever he could find in the forest. “Can this be the same Alex that set out in July 1990? Malnutrition and the road have taken their toll on his body. Over 25 pounds lost.” Said the German couple who gave him a ride. (pg 37) Chris McCandless had one Remington Semi-Automatic rifle to shoot the expected meat he got, not knowing the hunting out where he was was minimal. Chris’ diary entry states “June 1: 5 squirrel...June 2: 4 squirrel...ash bird….June 4:..4 squirrel, grey bird.” It is not so simple to live off of small squirrels and birds. …show more content…

He buried his money to ‘hide it from thieves’ and thinking he did not need money to live in the wild, which was far from true. Chris constantly denied the help he was offered, believing it was not needed. Jan Burres, a girl that took him in after he came back from vegas offered some long underwear and other warm clothing and after some arguing he finally accepted it. “He eventually took it to shut me up” (pg 46) Burres mentioned about the incident. Later she found that all the clothes offered to him were left in the van. “Alex was a great kid, but he could really make me angry

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