How Homework Is Hurting Children And What Parents Can Do About It

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Students today are complaining everyday about the stresses they face with balancing school work and home life. This is due to an increase in homework over the years which have not been very beneficial for children or their family. The amount of homework that students are receiving is more of a detriment than a help to them as it is causing undue stress and hindering their ability to learn to their full potential. In order for students to do their best in school and have an interest in learning, there need to be significant changes on the amount of homework given out each week. Lowering homework amounts will lower students’ stress levels and raise their interest in learning material. The first major problem of why too much homework for students …show more content…

Students will enjoy school more and achieve better grades if homework practices and policies are adjusted. We are often told that higher amounts of homework improve academic ability and that it allows kids to learn more than what they could learn during school hours. However, the book The Case Against Homework: How Homework Is Hurting Children and What Parents Can Do About It written by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish along with the book The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing by Alfie Kohn state that there has been no research correlation between the amount of homework completed and it causing increased achievement levels. In fact, too much …show more content…

One benefit of homework is that it can help students who are struggling in class learn the material better. Another benefit is that it helps the teacher see how well students are retaining the material taught. It also helps build long-term memory, provides additional stimulation, helps develop independent practice, and can help enhance organization and time management skills (Merryn Porter & Eva Kalimar). Many adults in our nation are pushing our students so hard because we want to be the top nation in the world. We want to stay caught up with all of the other nations who advancing in school every day. However, these adults who are pushing students to be smarter never actually had to go through the amount of stress that they are putting on children who are becoming young adults. They never had as much homework as these kids now have and so they don’t truly know how it is damaging

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