How Has Christianity Impacted Society Essay

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You might possibly find it hard to believe that a religion has dramatically shaped and built up the world we live in today. Well, without Christianity, we might be living in a very different world than the one that exists right now. In this paper I will show, and prove, the significant impact Christianity has had on the individual, the culture, and the government.
Christianity has impacted the individual in many ways, I will discuss a few. One of the ways Christianity has impacted the individual is human rights. The concept of humans right and equality comes from the bible, the state just enforces it. The Bible says that we are all created in God’s image, therefore it constructs the idea of equality among all people. Branching from that thought, we move to the second point; Christianity affects human behavior and thoughts, for morals are introduced through the Bible. An example of this point is Vinicius from Quo Vadis. In the beginning of the story, he was not a moral person, he treated people awfully. However, at the end of the tale he is completely renewed and transformed into a compassionate, selfless, loving, God-fearing man.
Branching again from that point we move on to the final of the three points; Christianity affects the individual for …show more content…

The first point is our own government. Christianity affects America’s government, for many of it’s roots are, in fact, Biblical. Our constitution has aspects of it which are derived from, and grounded in, scripture. Also, fifty out of the fifty five signers of the constitution were orthodox Christians. The second point is Christianity affects slavery, for Christians were the first in history to oppose of slavery systematically. Slavery was abolished in America partly from many Christian activists. And before that era, some early Christians would even purchase slaves from the market just to simply set them free after they were

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